We believe spiritual growth happens best in community. Whether through hobbies, Bible studies, or life-stage groups, smaller gatherings help us grow in faith and connection. God designed relationships to shape our journey, where our stories come together to tell the greatest story — Jesus and His Church.

Chic Chat

Leaders: Michele Burchard
Days: Saturday
Time: 9:00 am
Frequency: Second Saturday of Every Month
Location: Willow & Jim’s Country Cafe, Silvana
Who: Women

All women are welcome to join us for this monthly breakfast meeting. This is a wonderful way
for women to meet and connect with one another, enjoy a meal together and to pray for each
other. New commers are always welcome. All you need to bring is your appetite, money for
your meal and your prayer requests.

Men of the Bible

Leaders: Willie Voehl
Days: Saturday
Time: 8:00am
Frequency: Weekly
Location: Willow & Jim's Country Cafe, Silvana
Who: Men

Men of the Bible offers men a fresh way to read and understand the Bible, through the eyes
and hearts of the men whose stories unfold in its pages. This unique book takes a close-up look at 52 men in Scripture, complex flesh and blood characters whose strengths and weaknesses will seem strangely similar to your own. Heroes and villains, sinners and prophets, commoners, and kings. Their dramatic life stories provide you with a fresh perspective on the unfolding story of redemption. All you need to bring is your appetite, money for your meal and join with other men from New View and the Community in this challenging study of biblical men.


Days: 1st and 3rd Thursdays
Time: 6:30-8:80pm
Frequency: 1st and 3rd Thursdays Sept. 21 - May 30
Location: New View Church
Who: Moms

What is MOPS & MOMSNEXT? It’s a group for all moms with kids of any age coming together for community conversation & friendship. We share dinner and dessert. Being a mom is tough, but it doesn’t have to be lonely! For more information and to register, go to